A Doorway through Empty Space
Yesterday I went out on an early morning hike
with two Gen X brothers from the community.
One of them from the UK, I’d met him a number of months ago.
And the other brother I hadn’t met. He’s from Norway (a Viking!).
My journey began the moment I left home.
I love riding my motorbike and I love the early morning.
Particularly enchanting, the air was cool and fresh, the streets,
still empty
And the first ‘diamond rays’ of the day
were striking through the jungle.
Heading north upon the morn’,
the drive was more beautiful than I’d ever known it to be.
And with that, I decided to go slow.
As slow as I could go.
I wanted to be with,
to be of,
that was around me.
Knowing I needed to find my way
to the meeting place,
I did not feel hurried
and gave myself full permission
to relish in the glory
of the morning,
riding up and down the mountains,
overlooking the Sea.
At the nearby village, I made a few stops to check my GPS.
Figuring my way through the streets, I found my way to a dirt track
I stopped again as I didn’t know which way to go.
But of course, right about then.
My friend from the UK came buzzing by and hailed, ‘follow me’.
Oh wow, I loved the divine timing of the morning’s conscious slow riding
and the moments in time where I stopped to check the way
all so we could rendezvous!
My friend wasn’t driving that fast,
though fast enough that I could only focus on the road in front of me.
And with it, I was aware that I was missing out on the exquisite scenery
and imbuing even more of this glorious morning.
So, I let that go and just focused on the road ahead.
And it was quite the way,
with many twists and turns
and odd shifts and changes.
Upon arrival, we were met by the other man.
Later I find out he was a Gemini- perfect for the Gemini Annular Solar Eclipse, I thought.
These two brothers had scaled this mountain range many times before.
Seasoned hikers- that enjoy the many paths and ‘sea view’ look-out destinations.
We didn’t spend too much time in the meeting place,
just enough to realise that we didn’t need to take anything.
We headed off in a single file.
1- 2- 3.
First the Norweigan Gemini. Second me.
And thirdly my new friend from the UK.
Interestingly, he and I are both born on November the 9th!
Birthday twins to ‘The Twin’ (Gemini)! That seemed fair.
The pace the Gemini set, was a bit too fast for me.
Breathless. He wanted to chat as well and get to know me.
Coming out of an 8 week ‘lock down’, I had been gloriously sedentary for some time.
And with my very short legs, trying to keep up with 2 tall men was tricky.
As well, the Gemini was practicing bursts of high intensity running-
running up an already steep ascent.
Was he Mercury or Hercules?
(PS: Later he admitted that in the presence of a woman he was compelled to show off. Ha ha!)
I scrambled to grab hold of roots and rocks
as I pulled myself up the steep steps
of this jungle path.
I did my best to keep up with Hermes ahead, but alas, I knew I was missing everything.
And not just the scenery. I wanted to connect with the jungle.
And meet the spirit dwelling in this place.
But I felt that I couldn’t. Not at this pace.
Just like on the bike ride in.
For the first part of the drive, I could be one with the magnificence of the moment.
And for the second, I needed to focus.
Contracted and concentrated on only that which was ahead.
Eventually as we neared the top,
I just stopped!
I just wanted to stop.
And when I did, I turned around and saw the most beautiful view of Chaloklum Bay.
Framed by jungle brush and branches,
I could see the far-off misty horizon.
Where the vast blue body of the Ocean met the misty grey blue of the Sky
Blended, like a two-dimensional canvas.
My Scorpio brother brushed past me, keen on making it all the way to the first landing
Mercury, noticing I had stopped, came back down the way
and asked if I was OK
and reassured me that it was OK to stop.
I let him know that I too was OK with me stopping.
I also let him know that I would be OK with him going.
He said, no, no – this is a team expedition and that nobody gets left behind.
Then he told me the first summit was only a short distance, so I got up and started to walk with him again.
I explained to him that I’m OK with walking and ascents
but didn’t feel compelled to push myself.
He explained how he enjoyed the opportunity
to practice high intensity running.
We came to the first summit and enjoyed some banter.
Apparently where we were standing was home to our local Satanic Church chapter.
And of course all manner of gruesome rites had been practiced right were we stood.
Ha ha!
Then it was put to me
that there were 4 paths to choose from,
all of varying degrees of intensity.
And the choice was given to me to choose which path.
I explained that without knowing the paths, as best as I know,
I can walk any path!
It’s not a matter of intensity, its just a matter of modulation.
If it gets steep, like a car, I will move into first gear.
That analogy was well received, instantaneously.
And so it was, we would slow down on the steeps.
And off we went,
on the highest, steepest, longest path to the peak look-out.
Very quickly, things changed.
I definitely felt more at ease as we started the next leg of the journey.
We’d all had a chance to express how we’d like to proceed
and well I guess,
that was enough.
All was well, so much so
that now I had a spring in my step.
So much so, that like a ‘jack in the box’,
the trickster in me jumped up and began to play.
The hitherto unknown,
‘Unruly jungle priestess
of effervescent comedic scripts, wrapped up in rites’
had been fully awakened!
And was ready to put on a show
of what now appeared to be
fascinating and life altering landmarks
along the way.
I don’t think these guys
were quite used to such jungle shenanigans
but nonetheless, seemed delightfully surprised
by this ‘she-fool’
At one point, we encountered two identical (twin) trees standing side by side
(which reminded me of other twin trees
I’d encountered in the Central Desert of Australia, throughout my many years of my Shamanic training).
The passage between the trees was so,
that most humans could comfortably pass.
Would you believe, that Gemini
skipped merrily through the twin trees without even noticing them!
Whereas I stopped before the twin set and declared,
“How wonderful, to have stumbled across, ‘The Gates of the Solar Eclipse’”.
I turned behind and stared my Scorpio brother in the eyes
like any child gone mad would.
“That’s it for us. We’re done!
Once we cross this threshold, our old selves will be gone, forever!
There will be no more trace.
Time to kiss goodbye our past and all that went with it.”
He looked at me, a tad astonished though willing to play along.
Admittedly, as far as an audience goes, he was truly ‘captive’,
I did have the uphill advantage
and was blocking the way!).
The Gemini (mind you, I’d only met this guy 30 minutes ago)
turned around to see what was the hold up. To which I declared,
“Look, see how Mercury gleefully and blissfully,
without a care in the world, skipped through the doorway.
Whereas, us Scorpio’s, we knew what it meant to cross the threshold-
Death! Endings!
A No Return – Transformation!
I bravely, stepped through the twin trees and called my Scorpio brother to do the same.
Joke-no joke, from that point on, the landscape shifted, suddenly it felt feminine.
The rocks now held spaces for animals, spirits.
The mosses were a deeper green
and everywhere, ‘silence’.
No more did the body complain.
As awareness shifted to the ambience and beauty that surrounded us.
Ancient ferns, I recognised from Australia were in this place.
Orange moss grew on the trees.
This place felt much older.
We followed the path all the way up, in near silence
and heightened awareness.
Upon arrival at the summit, the men were wanting to rest deeply.
Whereas, I was felt ‘spritely’!
I took the opportunity to spin some awesome yarns,
all of them inadvertently about ‘adventures in liminality’.
I actually have so many stories to tell about this bush walk
and all that we three, discussed and experienced along the way.
But out of all the many things, what stood out for me the most,
was still yet to come.
As we started on our descent, the Norwidgeon Squideon character, turned around to say,
“You know how you’ve been noticing the changes, in how things feel, along the way?
Well, I feel these things too. And I like how much you take notice of things and share your experiences of them.
And well, I want to tell you what I experience too.”
“I used to be in the army”, he said,
as he recalled a number of landscapes he’d been in whilst training.
And was able to reference different wars that had been fought in such places.
He spoke of landscapes in northern Europe, France, WW2 and the Vietnam War.
He said, that the whole time, I’d been announcing the changes in the landscape,
that he had felt the shifts and changes too,
only the visionary plane that he was traversing
was filled with soldiers, armies and war!
I must say, this blew my mind!
That we could both be walking in the same terrain,
yet internally psyche was traversing
altogether different worlds.
And really, what’s standing out for me, astrologically speaking,
as we all encounter this Gemini New Moon Solar eclipse
is the square it’s making to Neptune/ Pallas Athene in Pisces
and the conjunction with Mercury retrograde in Gemini.
Is it any wonder that this is an incredible time to traverse the transpersonal?
In and out of the liminal places
above – below
form – formless
dream – reality
inner – outer
masculine – feminine
expansion – contraction
time – timelessness
blurred n bound
zoom in – zoom out
stop – go
fast– slow
I spoke to my Norwegian brother about how much more we can observe
when we go slow.
So much so, that we can lose time altogether
and cross into ‘the dreaming’ – the transpersonal.
Other worlds can open up and claim us.
My other brother from the UK- the Scorpio,
had been timing how long it took
for us to hike each section.
He was amazed just how fast we moved.
The first section took 17 mins to walk/climb.
He said, that the ascent was 1km and that
he and Hermes had never done it in that time.
The quickest they’d managed was 25 mins.
Later, again, my Scorpio brother mentioned that we’d hiked another section faster than normal
and he couldn’t believe it,
as we seemed to be going slower to accommodate me
and my peculiar penchant for spontaneous yarns, antics, tricks and quips.
‘I laughed, for as far as I was concerned,
we’d long since departed ordinary time and space.
Afterall, it was he, the Scorpio, that had been musing on Narnia
after we passed through the twin tree gate.
So yes, with Mercury Rx conjunct the New Moon in Gemini/
Annular Solar Eclipse square Neptune,
it would be fair to say that,
“Things are probably not what they seem!”
A threshold has been crossed!
Interestingly for me, ‘time-wise’,
it felt like we’d been gone for an eternity.
As if ‘time’ was elastic and had been stretched
Bulging as it does!
There’s so much to glean from our morning walk
and so much to say about this eclipse.
If you can, watch the video, where I speak directly to,
‘How to prepare for the Gemini Solar Eclipse’
But for now, I’ll leave you with a something of a something
from this very special encounter with my brothers. Yes, brothers indeed!
Did you know that Mercury is a ‘sibling constellation’?
Brothers, sisters, twins, cousins, peers – all our equals.
And friends! Best friends, funny friends, the clowns amongst us.
And from this walk, I coined a new word,
It’s a cross between ‘friendship’ and ‘exercise’.
Fascinatingly, I signed off the ‘Sagittarius Total Lunar Eclipse’ article with,
‘With all my Heart and a big dollop of friendship on top!’
Now you know me, I’ve never signed off on any of my writings like this before!
And it’s only 2 weeks later, that such friends were made.
Words are powerful,
just like spells.
May all your words
Be very very well!
May your Gemini Annular Solar Eclipse words
be carried by the winds
and set forth wonderful new beginnings
for you.
I hope your Gemini New Moon is blessed.
With all my Heart